Get Online, Silly!

The inclusion of Covid-19 in our daily lives has impacted us in more ways than one. Will things return to normal once this pandemic comes to a welcomed closure? Or are we starring down the barrel of a ‘new normal?’ How consumers perceive a brand has vastly transformed within a very short space of time, with 45% of consumers believing that their shopping habits have changed forever. So, what do we do? How do we pivot with our customers to keep our businesses afloat?

Realigning your business’ values and goals and shifting your marketing efforts onto digital platforms will help you to successfully achieve this, just make sure that you are doing so with the correct tone in mind (this is VERY important). How do you do this you may ask? Get online! At Nettl of Dublin, you may think we are geeks; and the truth is, we love a simple, well-functioning, user-friendly website. It is really is what gets us going.

We appreciate that they aren’t for everyone, but during a crisis like this, here are 3 reasons why we think that having a website it a necessity for your business’s survival & growth.

Websites connect your customers to you.

You may be used to being that friendly face behind the counter for your customers, but now, for many of us, that is no longer a viable option for many. Having an online presence allows you to remain connected with all of the people you used to see in person. You could use this time let bring a little light into your customers lives by offering a discount, a free product with every purchase or even just some friendly, informative advice. This may sound very simple, but it’s a very effective path to ensure brand loyalty and repeat business. People remember acts of kindness and leaving a good impression is priceless. Staying connected to your customers during a time like this is essential and having a website can help to maintain that relationship. Whether you are selling online or not!

Websites informs your customers.

Your website is the perfect place for you to keep your customers update to date with what you are doing and how they can stay in contact with you. Whether that be through signing up to receive your weekly newsletter or following you on social media, having a digital presence allows your customers to know what you are up to at the moment, whether you are open for business as usual or selling e-Vouchers online. It is a way to keep your customers informed and keep your brand front of mind. If you aren’t open, why not ask your customers to follow you on your social media accounts, or to leave you a review? Loyal customers will always be happy to be associated with your brand & you can use this time grow your brand awareness through online mediums.

Websites help your brand to be found.

People are often quick to think that, in a time of crisis, marketing should be the first budget that should be cut. We couldn’t disagree with this more. If anything, it is where the majority of your budget should go if & where possible. Investing your time and energy into creating a pristine website and solid SEO strategy is one of the best digital marketing plans that you could take advantage of at this time. As customers are forced to move online, and consumer behaviour has pivoted like never before, there is an unprecedented amount of daily online searches. Research has found that over the past few months that over 76% of customers have adopted new purchasing behaviours that will not diminish once Covid-19 is a distant memory. Through creating and optimising your website, you are putting your best foot forward and placing your business in the best position, both in the interim and post Covid-19. It’s a no brainer to us!

We’d love to help you get online, silly. For a free website or SEO consultation, please reach out to us at 01 405 4775 or email us at dublin@nettl.com.

Nettl of Dublin: