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8 Tips for Working From Home

Zac’s Top Tips for Working From Home

 approx 5 minute read

It all feels a bit bizarre!

While we’re all adjusting to our usual routines changing, no daily commute, usual team meetings, having kids, and family running about the place, it’s important to try and keep to as similar a routine as possible. Working from home comes with all sorts of challenges at first. You need to find the best place to set yourself up, equipped with everything you will need for your working day.

Our Nettl mascot Zac has put together 8 tips to help our Nettl staff and customers make the most of the working from home experience.

Stick to a routine

Zac’s solution: Develop a splendid working-from-home-routine that sets you up for a spectacular day’s work. Not one snuggled up on the couch with your portable computing device while Netflix plays in the background, or working until the moon and stars come out when you could be bonding with loved ones.

Get Dressed for Success

There’s no need to don a smartastic suit and shine your feet warmers for a day of remote work – if that does tickle your fancy, flying fizzjickle you’ll be dapper! If not though, there’s still a lot of power in wearing something that makes you feel energized and capable.

Pay attention to what you wear to work. Jump in the shower first thing and put on something that makes you fantasticly ready for the day.

Use Your Commuting Time

Not having to take daily commute measures might seem like one of the benefits to working from home, but a daily pre-work venture to the outdoors can be a fun experience and has the advantage of getting you into ‘work-mode’. Something that can be quite discombobulating when your home is your office.

Dedicated Work Space

Whether yours is a clown-filled circus tent or a cozy under the stairs cupboard, create a dedicated office space, with a door that you open after your journey and close behind you at the end of the day.

Take Regular Breaks

As a homeworker, you might find it easy to work long hours without taking a break. To help you get into the habit, set an alarm clock to go off every in the room farthest from your desk. Reboot your gigglemug, pour yourself a refreshing beverage, and breathe in some fresh air.

Communicate with Colleagues

Whether you’re a small business owner or an employee located away from the mothership of the main office, remote work somewhat removes you from your clients and colleagues. Pick up your portable talking device and have a good old chinwag.

Defeat Distraction & Stay Focused

Making the most uppty banging use of your time is a major part of knowing how to work from home. Turn off modern telegram notices and set times for technolgical encounters to ensure you’re not distracted. Tell any cohabiters you will talk to them at intermitant periods.

Stay Accountable & Stick to your Goals

In the interest of truthfulness, we’ll admit we too depend on the structure of a gov’nr  to keep us on the straight and narrow throughout our day. Working at home is simply a spectacuarly different encounter – those checks simply aren’t there to keep you on track. Set yourself a tickity tick list to ensure everything is covered.

You’re not on your own

Lots of businesses have closed but many are plowing ahead doing the best they can. We hope these tips can help you get through your working week with a smile.

These are truly tough times but we’re all in it together. Lots of people are online and people are adapting their websites and marketing to suit the current situation. If you need help on how to do this, or require some essential printing, speak to your local Nettl.

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