Critical Update

7 Reasons to roll with regular website updates

 approx 4 minute read

A cautionary tale about a put-off prospect

Alex ran an engineering consultancy. They advised on cutting-edge solutions to businesses across the country.

However, there was one area where they lagged. Their website.

In the early days, this digital flagship stood tall and proud. But as time slipped by, the website was relegated to the backburner.

Meanwhile, competitors embraced digital. They updated their websites regularly, adding fresh content, and staying on top of the latest trends.

One fateful afternoon, a prospect looked up Alex’s website.

What greeted them was a slow, glitchy interface, outdated information, and a design reminiscent of the dial-up era.

The first impression was less than stupendous.

Two 404s and one unscrupulous link later, the potential client had seen enough.

They swiftly navigated away and found a competitor with a sleek, up-to-date website.

The decision was made, the contract signed, and the business relationship forged.

All without Alex even realizing what had transpired. Oh dear.

In a world where trust and professionalism are paramount, an outdated website can not only cost you business but also open the door to unforeseen digital calamities.

And so here are 7 reasons to keep your website fresh, engaging, and fortified against the lurking threats of the online world.

Because in the vast digital landscape, a well-maintained website is not just a nicety – it’s a necessity for getting, and staying, ahead.

1. Stay relevant

You might have the best product or service in the game. But if your website is stuck in the bygone era, Google might just banish you to the digital abyss.

Regular updates are your golden ticket to the front row of the Google show.

OK, maybe they’re not the only thing needed, you’ll need to optimize your site too.

But search engines love fresh, relevant content. And the rewards can be higher rankings and more visibility.

#2 Look lively

It’s not just Google that likes fresh content – Real people do too!

In the digital era, your website is often the first handshake between you and potential clients.

An outdated, clunky site screams neglect. Is this website professional? Are they still trading?

In contrast, fresh, up-to-date messaging is trustworthy and reassuring.

# 3 Legal limbo

Okay, let’s get serious for a moment.

While we’re all about the fun and games, there’s a legal element to a website that you don’t want to mess up.

Accurate contact and business details, GDPR, PECR, privacy policies, terms and conditions, cookie consent… these aren’t just jargon intended to put you to sleep.

They’re crucial elements that need regular attention. Laws and regulations often change. Your site will evolve.

Although a rather dull topic, you don’t want to be caught snoozing when the legal winds start to blow.

#4 Looks matter

Just like fashion trends, web design evolves. What looked cool in 2010 might be a little cringe now.

Regularly updating your website’s design keeps it visually appealing and user-friendly.

Users only need 50 milliseconds (that’s just 0.05 seconds) to form an opinion on your website.

You should also continue to check your website works well on the latest devices.

Regular updates ensure that your site not only looks good on desktops but also displays smoothly on smaller screens.

#5 Need for speed

Speed matters. Not just on the track but on the internet highway too.

If your website takes aeons to load, users will bounce faster than a kangaroo on a trampoline.

Regularly updating your website’s software, and plugins ensures optimal performance.

Removing outdated or unnecessary code blows away the cobwebs.

Ensure all images, old and new, are optimized to load as quickly as possible.

Speed updates are like giving your site a shot of adrenaline – swift, efficient, and ready to conquer the online race.

#6 Content chronicles

Content is king, they say. And Kings need a wardrobe update now and then.

Your business evolves, trends shift, and your audience’s preferences change.

If your content is stuck in a time capsule, it won’t resonate with the here and now.

Regularly refreshing your content keeps it relevant and engaging.

This could be helpful articles, videos, recipes, guides, or products.

Most importantly, it keeps your audience coming back for more.

#7 The security samba

You don’t want to be caught flat-footed when it comes to site security.

Regularly updating your website’s software and plugins isn’t just about adding new features; they’re the cyber equivalent of installing a high-tech security system.

Cybersecurity is an ongoing process, not a one-time task. By incorporating the following steps into your routine, you create a more resilient and secure online environment for your website and its users.

  • Perform regular software updates
  • Regularly audit users
  • Use strong passwords. Update regularly
  • Only use the third-party applications that are necessary
  • Delete or disable any which are not
  • Use SSL encryption
  • Choose a robust website host
  • Perform regular backups

Good to know: Nettl websites are hosted on AWS and our packages include regular backups. We employ server-side firewall and brute force protection. Check out Nettl Care Plans for details on planned preventative maintenance and peace of mind.

Wrapping It Up

So, there you have it – the undeniable importance of keeping your website as fresh as a morning croissant from a Parisienne boulangerie. 

Every update contributes to the security-slash-user-friendly symphony that is your online presence, and ultimately your brand.

So, be sure to give your website the regular TLC it deserves. Or ask us about a Nettl Care Plan.

Happy updating, trailblazers! May your website be as fresh as a cucumber on a spa day.

Yoesra Imam: