What is Social Media Strategy?

 approx 2 minute video

Nettl Academy Social Media Session 5!

This session is the fifth in a new series from Nettl. Each week they’ll explore a different subject relating to Social Media.

Optimise your social media strategy.

Working towards a common objective or goal is of paramount importance when it comes to Social Media. Too many people randomly post on Social Media but then see no results. They wonder why there is no engagement or objectives being hit.

Hence why before you start on Social Media, you have to think about your strategy

What do you wish to achieve from your strategy?

  • Do you wish to engage with new prospects?
  • Do you want to keep current customers up to date?
  • Is it to cross-sell or upsell?
  • Or do you wish to increase your engagement?
  • What do you want your demographic to look like?
  • Which Social Media has the greatest number of your chosen demographic?
  • How do you manage your posts and what kind of content should you use?
  • What mixture of content should you have?
  • Educational?
  • Humour?
  • Calls to action for lead generation.

Having the ideas and the know-how to put a strategy together is so important because you want to get something from it, and that is to meet your business cause.