Tag Archive for: Marketing

Implementing marketing activities without a plan can be a waste of time and money, this article will show you the importance of outlining a marketing plan to achieve your business goals.

Picture this… You’re trying to win a new customer. Perhaps you’ve blown on the pie at a networking event. Or they’ve seen the banner on your premises, or seen an advert you’ve posted.

What do they do next? Probably Google you. And, almost certainly, look at your website. Why?

Marketing doesn’t have to be expensive, it’s about showing your customers and your community that you care. This could be anything from friendly advice, a quick tip, or just a helping hand.

Understanding why your customer has stopped buying from you is the key to winning them back. For every customer lost, another has to be found, otherwise your customer base would dwindle to nothing.

When visitors click through to your website do they take their time? Do they have a look around your website, read your blog posts, find out how to contact you? Or do they take one look at your site and bounce straight back out again? (possibly to your competitors website!) Learn the ups & downs of website bounce rates and how they could impact your business.

We could learn much from flowers. To grow, big, bright and beautiful flowers need key ingredients (like water and sun) to grow. Much like in business, with the right ingredients (people, goals and plans alike) our businesses can grow into something big, bright and beautiful.
We’ve made it easy, we’ve complied 3 top tips (inspired by flowers) your business can use to grow big, bright and beautiful in 2019…

Are you thinking “how on earth this relates to my business?”
Perfect, that’s the reaction we were hoping for! Let us show you the five concepts (that make advent calendars successful) that you can use in your business…